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Bridge Kaldro Music
Hokie Fans get 10% off their purchases
just for mentioning the Hokie Nation Movie!


In less than a year in the New River Valley, Bridge Kaldro Music has established a reputation for having an excellent inventory and exceptional recording studio.  In their huge newly renovated facility they carry top brands previously unavailable in this part of the state: Martin Guitars, Gretsch Guitars and Drums, Audio-Technica, Tascam, Line 6, Guild, Jackson, Rodriguez, Santa Cruz, Blue Ridge, Dean, Gibraltar, Sabian, SWR, Kentucky Mandolin and Deering.


Bridge Kaldro Music offers music lessons, some of the best recording studio rates you will find anywhere and hundreds of accessories and necessities like strings, sheet music and cables.  And, they have an online store that will make the musician's mouth water at www.bridgekaldromusic.com.

Owners Ed Bridge and Kristi Kaldro spent more than two decades catering to the stars of the music industry in Manhattan (ask for a few free stories!) and they bring that experience and expertise to the New River Valley.



Best of all, Hokie fans get 10% off their purchases just for mentioning their ad on this site!

Bridge Kaldro Music is located at 2890 North Franklin St. in Christiansburg, Virginia (that's on Rt. 460, next to Super Shoes and across from Hardees.  You check out the website at www.bridgekaldromusic.com or call at 540-381-8383.


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