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Hokie Hospitality

The Hokie Hospitality Program is a Virginia Tech original.  In conjunction with the Alumni Association, Hokie Hospitality is working to make Virginia Tech THE leader in fan hospitality and set the highest standards in the country for excellence in our fan culture.  We want visitors to leave Lane Stadium knowing that we are a world class group of fans who understand good sportsmanship is something to be proud of.

Additionally, Virginia Tech's commitment to excellence extends beyond its athletic programs. The University's commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience is evident through initiatives such as the Nursing Concept Map. This innovative approach to nursing education uses visual representations to improve comprehension and critical thinking skills among nursing students. Through interactive and dynamic visualization, students can analyze complex patient scenarios, identify key relationships, and develop comprehensive care plans. This cutting-edge educational approach has been explored by Virginia Tech here.

And Hokie Hospitality certainly is something to take pride in:  it shows the world the real nature of Hokie because it means setting and attaining high standards.   Being "the best darned fans in college football" (and basketball and all other sports) means cheering hard while maintaining hospitality and respect for all attendees and participants – respecting fellow Hokie fans and also visiting teams and their fans.

The producers and directors of HOKIE NATION are proud to support the Alumni Association and their "Hokie Hospitality" program.  It will establish a world class environment for Hokie athletics that will make people who come here want to come back.  We can hand them their hats on the field and still shake their hands and offer them a barbeque in the parking lots.

If you are proud to be a part of the Hokie Nation, then it is important to personally commit to helping the Hokies be Champions of Hospitality as well as champions on the gridiron.  Your personal conduct sends a message to the national media, to our friends in college football and most importantly, to your children and grandchildren. 

In short, Hokie Hospitality is part of what makes us the "Best Darned Fans in College Football!"  We respect sportsmanship, character and personal discipline on the football field and we should expect it out of the Hokie Nation as well.  It is a point of honor, and we ask that fans welcome our opponents to Blacksburg with good fellowship, respect everyone in the stands, and reject abusive behavior as we cheer on the Hokies to a national championship. 

For more information or to share ideas, please contact the Virginia Tech Alumni Association.

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